Sunday, October 26, 2014

Health Education Unit Plan Using Technology:Nutrition

Health Education Lesson Plan
Nutrition: Food Groups/Essential Nutrients
Cari McKee

As a physical education and health teacher I have the opportunity to choose from two subject areas to complete a unit plan (6 days).  The subject I chose to focus on was health education.  Below is a day by day explanation, my expectations, technology use and more.  The unit I will be doing is nutrition.  I choose nutrition because many of my colleagues do not have a lot of technology based assignments in this unit so I thought it would be a great place for me to challenge myself but also help out my colleagues.  Our nutrition unit is split up into sub units.  I chose to focus on the beginning part, food groups and essential nutrients.

Unit: Nutrition; Food Groups and Essential Nutrients
Objectives: By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
  • Categorize foods into their specific food group
  • Describes what the food groups and essential nutrients are
  • Create a healthy meal for one day using all the food groups (except fats/oils)

Day 1: The students will be able to list the different food groups.
Introduction to nutrition and the different food groups.  Using their tablets, the students will login to and take a pretest on the different types of food groups and the essential nutrients.  The remainder of the class period will be using the smart board to demonstrate the different food groups and what types of essential nutrients are found in each group.
Technology used: Smart board, school issued tablet, and

Day 2: Using the video from the previous night, the students will be able to create a visual demonstrating the different food groups.
Using the flipped classroom, the students were required to watch a video at home on the different food groups and types of essential nutrients.  During class, the students will use the website to create a graph showcasing the different food groups.  The students would also need to include an explanation of the food group and no less than five examples of each food group the students would normally eat at home.  
Technology used:, tablet, flipped classroom

Day 3: Using technology, the students will be able to input andcritique their daily intake.
The students will meet in the computer lab.  Using the website or to input everything the students ate the day before.  Once they input all of their food they would need to print out the report on their daily intake.  
Technology used: computers, tablets,,

Day 4: The students will be able to create a days worth of healthy meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Day two of the computer lab.  Using the website or the students need to create a healthy meal and they must include all five (not including fats/oils) food groups in their breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Once they input all of their food they would need to print out the report on their daily intake.  
Technology used: computers, tablets,,

Day 5: The students will be able to provide evidence on which daily meal is healthier based on the food groups and nutrients provided.
The students will create a web map (I still need to find a program to do this with) to demonstrate the two different meals.  With the food groups in mind and the nutrients they provide to the body, each student must compare and contrast the two days and discuss which one is healthier.  They also need to provide examples of why they believe the daily intake they choose is healthier. The students can create a cartoon (powtoon, goanimate), a powerpoint (google presenter, powerpoint, prezi), or a commercial to demonstrate which daily intake is healthier.
Technology used: computer, tablet, mapping program chosen by the student

Day 6:The students will be able to list the different types of food groups and show learning through a post test
The students will post their final creation to the google classroom.  The students will also retake their socrative post assessment today.
Technology used: School issued tablet, and, google classroom

1 comment:

  1. This sounds super. I think you should remind them during Day 2 to keep a log of everything they eat. Memory afterward is not as reliable as log during. Of course, it is self report, but you can think about how this connects with one of our questions about presenting ourselves as we wish we were or as we think others expect us to be. I wonder how data could be collected on that one?
