Friday, January 30, 2015

Week 4: Response on Chapters 2 and 3

Silvia Tolisano's chapter refers to building personal learning networks (PLN). Discuss some of the resources from the two chapters this week.  Even if you don't have any personal experience with some of them, which are you interested in trying?  Consider online global programs, wikis, global books, films, television shows, blogs, and news outlets that may be used in schools.  

As a physical educator, I find it difficult sometimes to integrate technology into my classroom.  My classroom is a place of active movement. Before this class I knew technology could be a tool to use but did not embrace it as much as I do now.  Mainly because I was unaware of so many different ideas and things I could do in my classroom.  One thing my district does to incorporate some ideas stated in Edutopia article are Learning Walks.  We have been using learning walks for almost two years.  The purpose of each walk is not to evaluate a teacher but to look at the area of need (school wide) and give suggestions on ways to improve it.  It was interesting to read what other districts do with learning walks in their school systems.

In chapters 2 and 3 in the Mastering Global Literacy book, many creative ways to integrate technology in a various amount of disciplines were discussed.  The chapters stated that global connectedness deals with the following areas:
  • raising awareness
  • making commitment
  • developing your competence with contemporary tools
  • building your PLN
  • amplifying your curriculum
           I started to think about my classroom as well as how I could tweak the suggestions in the book to meet the needs of my students and curriculum. One area that really caught my eye was watching a TV program with a global perspective. In both physical education and health it is easy to find videos, shows or articles relating to the same areas we discuss here.  I started to think about how to take it one step further in my classroom.  I also teach personal fitness.  I feel it would be a great opportunity to "walk a day in someone else's shoes" in the class.  What do various people around the world do for exercise? Are they required to walk to school, work, or their home?  How does their "steps" compare to my students?  I also really enjoyed +Stephanie Lavado's idea of using pedometers to measure steps.  She discussed walking to Disney with her students.  Maybe my high school students could not only incorporate technology through mapping their steps but also integrate a cross curricular lesson.  For example, discuss the activity with their history teachers and integrate it into where we are walking.
          Another idea I found useful in my classroom was to incorporate global news.  I believe this would be a great "warm up" activity for my health students.  It would only take a couple minutes and we could look at global news articles relating to the concepts we are talking about in class. Some of these concepts would include self-esteem, bullying, health and wellness as well as other areas of health.  Not only can we connect our discussion on a global level but it will fit nicely with our class flow.
          The two chapters also discussed Skype, twitter, google apps, and wiki into the classroom.  I do not have much familiarity with wiki as I do the other programs discussed. Since being a part of the #itdml program, I have tried to use google apps more in my classroom.  Now, my students frequently use google as a tool to hand in assignments, take notes and share items with other students.  I believe because I am more comfortable with technology, it is easier to embrace it into my classroom.
          There are many things I can do to incorporate more global awareness in my classroom.   Join an established group or create a new project/activity of my own are only a few ideas Mastering Global Literacy has brought to my attention.  Student blogging and an international sports day are great ways to incorporate global connectivsm in my Physical Education/Health classroom.  During the international sports day, the chapter suggested students would perform an activity and upload videos, times, scores and even rules. The students would then connect with others around the globe and "learn" from each other.  As stated in chapter 3, "we live in a world that is easily accessible, if not face-to-face then at least virtually" (pg. 64).  Therefore, learning is able to take place anytime and anywhere.
Alcock, M., & Jacobs, H. (n.d.). Mastering digital literacy.

Monday, January 26, 2015

Walk My World: Virtual High Five

The famous high five.  As seen in this video, there are many ways to go about a high five.  Ultimately, the high five whether it is for real or virtual is a mutual form of a "hello" and or support.  For example, I received a digital high five when I shared my door during last weeks #walkmyworld assignment from +Jody Ceglarski+Kara Toman , and +Laura Krenicki.  All showed support and an excitement for my new adventure unfolding.  Thank you!

Saturday, January 24, 2015

Week 3 Storify: LMS

Here is my storify for the distance learning class on week 3 learning management systems.

Week 3: LMS Response

How well does this LMS (Learning Management Systems) support you and your learning style? How could it be improved?

     LMS is a new term for me.  In July 2014, I started an adventure in technology.  Within that time period I have learned many things to help enhance my classroom setting. In my Distance Learning class we read the article, "What are Learning Management Systems, What are They Not, and What Should They Become?". The title alone frightened me because it was terms I was not extremely familiar with like others may be.  In the readings this week our program has not fit the mold of what was define as a LMS.  As stated in the reading this week, "An LMS is the and manages instructional content, identifies and assesses individual and organizational learning or training goals, tracks the progress towards meeting those goals, and collects and presents data for supervising the learning process of an organization as a whole".  Although the instructional content and management is evident in the program I do feel there are some areas that are lacking. 

     For example, one area I feel I am lacking with Google+ and the use of communities is the low amount of specific feedback on my work. But then again, is this the way we are heading when it comes to technology?  Our program is based around "playing" with tools and guided instruction.  To me, the word student is someone who submits their work and the teacher provides specific feedback on rubrics.  I would not be telling the truth if I said I wasn't nervous about my grade in some of the classes. Was I supposed to integrate more technology? Should I have went into more detail? Am I even in the right ballpark?  Again, is this the way society wants education to evolve into.  A student directed and student paced curriculum? I still feel when I receive a reminder on my phone stating someone else posted to the community my anxiety starts to fly.  Another area I feel uneasy with is the amount of information scattered on the G+ community.  Although I feel comfortable with the explanations of each assignment it does get slightly cluttered when looking at the community posts.

     I do feel the program has helped ease my fears about technology in the classroom more than it has created them.  I am a very hands on person and also like to try new things.  The ability to be able to look at different forms of LMS such as G+, Google forms and communities has helped me understand how to facilitate a digital classroom environment better.

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Flubaroo Tutorial

Here is my Flubaroo tutorial. Flubaroo also has the capability of sending students an email (if one was provided by the student) showing them their grade.  The student can then click on the email and view each question.  They can see which questions they got right and which questions they did not.  Each question is paired with the correct answered based on the KEY provided by the teacher.  Below are the instructions on how to email the results to your students:
Steps to send a results email to your students:
  • Click on the "add on" buttons
  • Go to the Flubaroo opition
  • Press the button "email grades"
I hope you enjoy using Flubaroo in your classroom!

Friday, January 23, 2015

Dr. Stamblers PowerPoint

In Dr. Stambler's PowerPoint addresses learning and assessments used in the classroom setting. What take-aways could you apply to YOUR work assignment? What collaborations would you need to establish, and how would you go about making them? How may other members in your class PLN be resources to you?

     Looking at the PowerPoint and the readings of the week, I have identified many "take-aways" I could use in my classroom.  One take-away I would like to use is the following rubric:

Learning objective:
1. Analyze growth and trends in world cities and draw
comparisons between these cities, Pittsburgh and Doha.

1. In small groups, students conduct research on a world city, collecting data (on issues such as population density, population growth, wealth disparities, infant mortality, literacy, ethnic/religious demographics, etc.) that they then map and compare with the data collected and mapped by students researching other cities.

     I think this activity would be great to use in a high school health class setting. The students can compare and contrast the growth trends in those cities as well as other cities around the world. What are some positives that would come of the trends and some negative effects we will see? I think this would be a great way to incorporate global competency but also learn about how to communicate and collaborate with other students around the world. For example, once established the students can create a list of positive and negative ideas as a direct result of the growth trends. We then can make contact with other school systems in those specific places and get a first hand communication with its effects on the people there. I believe it is important to gather data and create a hypothesis based on our research. In my own opinion, it is invaluable to take it one step further and collaborate with students in these areas experiencing the growth trend first hand.  In order for this idea to work I would need the help of my coworkers, collaboration of other school districts, as well as PLN in my field. For example, there are many experts in each field. Collaboration with those experts can help expand our knowledge and therefore; help make us more diverse. Collaborating and sharing various ideas from our personal learning networks can help bridge the gap in a distance sense. The information and resources can be at our fingertips rather than miles away.  

Mansilla and Jackson Response

In Mastering Global Literacy, Mansilla and Jackson argue that "globally competent students are able to investigate the world by identifying an issue, generating a question, and explaining the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions."  How might you begin to incorporate this into an upcoming learning opportunity?

To be globally competent is needed in our school systems today. Our youth should be taught how to become globally competent as well as how to practice it.  In my school setting, there are many things I can do to help my students become more globally competent. According to chapter 1 in "Mastering Global Literacy", the text suggests that students are globally competent when they meet certain criteria. So how can I incorporate that into my classroom? 

1. Students are able to investigate the world by identifying an issue. One thing I can do in my classroom to ensure this happens is dedicate the first five minutes of class in sharing of global current events. Ideally, each current event will stem around the topic we are discussing in health but it would not be a priority. We can look at different areas around the world and the students will be able to investigate and share a global issue.

2. Students will be able to generate a question, and explain the significance of locally, regionally, and globally focused researchable questions. One way I can incorporate this into my field is provide guidance to the global topic addressed at the beginning of class. The students can then engage in logical arguments with their peers. We could also widen our discussion to a debate. During the debate the students will need to research the global issue and develop supporting ideas based on their belief.  Lastly, the students can create questions that can be used on their unit test. 

I believe it is important to educate our students in how to be globally competent. One way we can help our students develop these skills are through various guided discussions and peer work. I believe then we can even reach out on a global level to some of these places. Technology is a revolving door and can help our students become globally educated if one knows the tools to help.

Mastering Global Literacy: Chapter 1

How do you teach global competency?

     Chapter 1 of "Mastering Global Literacy" looks at the globally competent student and what we as teachers can do to provide students the avenue to become globally competent. After thinking more in depth I really liked the question, "why do we live where we live?". There are many reasons people many have but what is the main reason. What brought people to where they are now? What even brought people to the United States? Unfortunately, I do not believe many of my students knew this answer, so I asked.  Some of the responses I got were shocking. "I moved here for a better life" and "my family felt I could get the most out of life if I lived in the United States."  I thought to myself, was I wrong? Do they understand global competency more than I thought they did? According to chapter 1 in "Mastering Global Literacy", global competence is he following:
  • Investigating the world beyond immediate environment 
  • Recognizing other perspectives
  • Effective communication with diverse population
  • Ability to take action
     Because an overwhelming number of my students are not from the United States originally I feel our school as a whole does a decent job educating our students globally. The global competent student "prepares by learning how to investigate matters of global significance". This can be done through teaching history, language, geography and other cultures. In our school all these areas are covered with multiple others.  Also, our school offers after school programs for the students if there is not a class on it. In history class they study how power effects different people in different countries and how it has developed over time. In our language classes we discuss various speech and cultures. In English class they look at different writing techniques used around the world. 
     Unfortunately, when I look at the things I was doing in my class I did not feel I was teaching and preparing my students to be globally competent.  So I examined our curriculum and looked deeper into the topics we cover. After analyzing my curriculum I found myself saying I do things that embrace global competence. For example, in health class we discuss various health trends. Our discussions do not stop with the United States but are embraced in all parts of the world. We also discuss compassion for others through our self esteem and bullying units. Currently, I am in a bullying unit.  Within the unit, each student must develop their own newspaper. There newspaper must include articles of bullying from around the world. They must then analyze what happened, why, and develop possible solutions people could have done to make the outcome different.  
     In my physical education class is where I believe I could improve upon. The only time we touch upon global competence is through sportsmanship and incorporating teamwork. It is important when thinking on a global level but I would like to incorporate more into my classroom. During their junior year physical education class, students prepare a lesson to present to the class. The lesson provides us with a game played in different parts of the world. The student must learn the game and the rules. They then must present it to the class as if they lived in the country who plays it. Some students love the unit and even dress up for it. Others just do what needs to be done.  
Image CC from
     In conclusion, there are so many things a teacher can to to incorporate global literacy into their classroom.  For example, in this video Zack Morris, from saved by the bell, is told to research his heritage and present it to he class. At first, Zack did not care to look too much into his heritage until he was told he could not participate in the rival track meet unless the assignment was completed. It was then when Zack started to take the assignment more seriously. He became more in touch with himself once he knew where he came from.  Global competency is a topic that should be weaved into each curriculum. After all, "every major issue people face has a global dimension."

Thursday, January 22, 2015

Walk my World: Door to my World

Where are you? What do you consider to be your "world"?
Here is a picture of my door right now. I am standing in front of Babies "R" Us. To me, it is a literal door but it is also a door with a whole new world in front of me. A world of confusion, excitement, joy, and possible heartache...a door with a new baby in it. A place where I use technology to digitally identify items that may or may not help me in my new up coming adventure, parenthood. Time to register!

Service-Learning and Global Competence

How do you see service learning as an educational vehicle to global competence?

I think service-learning projects are a great tool to encourage teens to venture out into the community and help others. Unfortunately, without a heavy hand, many of my students would not actively go into the community to do projects like this.  Not only does it open our students to view different paths someone took in their life but the student can connect with them on a more meaningful level. Essentially, the students learn to help others possibly less fortunate then themselves. It is scary to look one's own town and see the heartache it may be experiencing. A service-learning project can take the blanket off of some students eyes and see the truth that is happening in their hometown. Struggle, hardships, strength when needed. Even though it may not be a global project, the ideas are the same. Being able to view others form their own perspective can help open our eyes more to the world. Plus, one act of kindness goes a long way. If we help with what is around us in our towns and our neighborhoods, it could only help our world become a better place. This reminds me of the starfish story. A difference can be made, one by one. 

Sunday, January 18, 2015

Distance Learning: Week 2 Storify

Here is my week two storify attempt.


The argument is made that it is not just the incorporation of technology in pedagogy that facilitates learning, but it is instead the design of the environment and the interactions and types of connections that the technology affords. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? How will you design your environment considering these concepts and the theories discussed?

The article, "Foundations of Education Theory for Online Learning” was a very interesting to read. The article stated "there is ongoing debate about whether it is the use of a particular delivery technology or the design of the instruction that improves learning".  Not only has this been looked at many times throughout the transformation of education but also recently in the push for increase in the STEM programs.

I believe technology that curriculum incorporating technology and not dominating it the students can enhance their learning environment.  The article states, "Students can access the online materials at anytime while synchronous online learning allows for real time interaction between students and the instructor".  I believe this is one reason why technology can enhance the learning environment of our students.  Not only does it show learning happening anytime and anywhere but it can also be a place where students feel comfortable to learn.  Technology does not make funny faces if a student asks a question that others may think is common sense therefore giving that child a safer environment to seek out answers he or she does not know.  "Learners can use the Internet to access up-to-date and relevant learning materials, and can communicate with experts in the field in which they are studying."  Not only can students have the ability to interact with other peers, teachers, and friends but they can also access experts in the field they are researching. However, I do believe technology cannot be the sole source of education today.  Many of our students still do not know how to access relevant credible information on the internet.  They still can struggle with shifting through the opinions before they can reach facts.  An instructor can help facilitate this path for the students and therefore giving them a more meaningful experience.  


  • Behaviorism: Study of the behavior and the use of positive reinforcements to encourage positive behavior.
  • Cognitivism: Deals with the mind, beliefs and values
  • Constructivism: Construction of knowledge based on the interpretations of the learner.
  • Connectivism: Use of learning through constant positive connections.
The concepts and theories discussed in the article/video were relevant to thoughtful.  When looking at the cognitive school of learning stated in the article, memory and individual differences it made me think about my classroom and how I can incorporate this into it.  Cognitive psychology usually looks at memory motivation, thinking and reflections.  All these concepts have been incorporated in our curriculum for some time.  Some ideas I could bring into my classroom revolving around this concept is memory games.  There are various games I could have the students play to incorporate memory as a review for a test.  By incorporating memory using technology, not only does it give the students to learn study skills but they can also learn how to create their own.  Specialists "see learning as an internal process that involves memory, thinking, reflection, abstraction, motivation, and meta-cognition".  Technology can engage the student in the process of memory through various ways.  When I was in high school my classroom teachers seemed to always be on the same page. "Make flash cards, teach a friend or respond to the video."  What if the student can now be the creator of their own projects? Not only does it allow the student to become more engaged but it can also be a tool used for other students to study from.  

Another way I could change my environment based on the concepts talked about in the article is through individual differences.  "The cognitive school recognizes the importance of individual differences, and of including a variety of learning strategies in online instruction to accommodate those differences."  Technology has the unbelievable ability to allow students to develop their own identity, a technological footprint.  Studies shown when students are in charge of their own education, it makes the process more meaningful which is our ultimate goal.  One thing I could do in my health class would be allow the students an opportunity to create a project based on their individuality.   The students could pick something such as a slide show, video presentation, or even a commercial.  Based on the student’s needs, interests and abilities they can create their own technological based bibliography.  In physical education I could have the students use the same creativity to develop their own game.  The students can create their own rules, name, and equipment used in the game.  At the end of the project the students could post their games to a website and share them to others in the physical education field, for example PE central.  Not only could other students view these games but they can also be shared with various other physical education teachers around the world.

In conclusion, I believe all the concepts and theories discussed in the reading and video were useful to my classroom. technology is an essential tool to help enhance our learning environment.  It should not be the sole source of education but used as an opportunity to open more avenues for the students.  Technology allows us to develop create ideas and share them with multiple professionals and peers alike.

Ally, M. (n.d.). FOUNDATIONS OF EDUCATIONAL THEORY FOR ONLINE LEARNING: Chapter 1. Retrieved January 11, 2015, from

Learning Theory and Online Course Design

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Wednesday, January 14, 2015

enGauge Response on pages 28-31 of Multicultural Literacy and Global Awareness

How (or do?) you see any of these points in our schools in CT?

Some of the content that stuck out at me is the charts defining a student who is informationally literate compared to one that is a multicultural literate individual.  In my opinion a student should be both.  In order to be a well-rounded student they need to be able to access information quickly and identify relevant sources of information.  They also need to be able to be diverse in understanding of values and beliefs.  I see a large stress on an informationally literate student but not so much on a multicultural literate student.  I believe our school system embraces the differences of all students but the area they are lacking is the connection from them to the rest of the population.  Similar to the article, I believe students who are multicultural literate are not only aware of cultural beliefs but appreciate and accept the similarities and differences. Another area I do not see a large stress on in the school systems today is students actively engaged with other cultures.  Some classrooms may say some stories or introduce various cultures but they do not fully embrace the culture.  I believe in order to do so one needs to connect with the culture on a personal level.


Summary and responses of the preface, chapter 1 and chapter 4

     The preface discusses our educational system today and some of its flaws.  As stated in the preface, "today’s students need a globally conscious education."  However, the preface discusses how globalism are considered as “fighting words.”  How many of our school systems get this globally conscious education?  The preface also talks about preparing our youth and our educational systems today.  We should look at things such as "human conflict, climate change, poverty, the spread of disease, the control of nuclear energy".  Unfortunately, as the preface stated, there is "no deep desire for such innovative education".  Flexible, cooperative thinking is a second priority to some schools.  Testing seems to have taken the front seat in education today.  The youth seem to dismiss Young prejudices that their elders would normally have.  What our educational system needs to focus on is we "learn from countries doing well." Unfortunately, I believe our school systems today have out more of an emphasis on testing than global literacy. 

Chapter 1
    Chapter 1 discusses our digital age.  How can a change the look of the current student to fit the ever-changing technological world? Due to "digital revolution and mass migration" are requiring a new form of a student to be formed.  Now, we need a well diverse student who is capable of keeping up with the digital age.  The chapter states, students need to be more "powerful" so they are prepared to collaborate and possibly compete with the surround countries. The chapter also outlines three focus areas:
  • The flattened global economy and changing demands of work
  • Unprecedented global migration 
  • Climate instability and environmental stewardship
The flattened global economy addresses the idea of students able to look at information differently and creatively portray this information.  Workers need to be able to synthesize this information as well as project it to the crowd in an effect manor.  The flattened global economy discusses how to prepare our students for these changes to come.  A "globally competent student prepares by learning how to investigate matters of global significance." So what is global significance?  How can we distinguish and are some of our students ready to do so?  This leads me to my next focus area, unprecedented global migration.  The world is an ever-changing place.  Immigration is taking place throughout the world.  People are migrating to various places for a variety of reasons.  "Global migration is felt in the classrooms, neighborhoods, markets, and streets of both sending and receiving societies." For example, the United States has many people come into our country with the expectation we understand their culture, values and beliefs even though they may differ from ours.  Regardless of the ongoing blending in our nation, "preparing our youth to participate successfully in a world of increasing social, cultural, ethnic, linguistic, and religious diversity" is essential.  It requires teachers to incorporate various subject areas such as history, language, geography, and cultural differences.   The last focus area in the chapter is climate instability and environmental stewardship.  The climate has changed.  Many people believe it is because of the gases we add to our atmosphere while others believe it is the ever changing world around us.  The chapter says, "Because the greenhouse gases do not respect national borders, the problem is essentially a global one." The world as a whole is experiencing differences in the climate. In recent years alone we have witness extreme temperatures and an increase number of natural disasters as well as more violent ones.  So how can we help prepare our students to deal with the climate change?  The chapter states, "It will require students to understand how energy consumption in one place affects living conditions of people on the other side of the world and how we all depend on the same atmosphere for life". Without being in another ones shoes this is a very difficult but not impossible task.

 Chapter 4- Globally competent students recognize perspectives
     Chapter 4 looks at the student and how we as teachers can help them recognize differences, embrace them and make their perspectives.  Encouraging a wealth of knowledge in history, culture, and current events is important to instill in our students.  Therefore "students with global competence and be able to make their own perspectives.” According to chapter 4 globally competent students are able to see perspectives in a few ways such as the ones listed below:

 • Recognize and express their own perspective on situations, events, issues, or phenomena and identify the influences on that perspective.
 • Examine perspectives of other people, groups, or schools of thought and identify the influences on those perspectives.
 • Explain how cultural interactions influence situations, events, issues, or phenomena, including the development of knowledge.
 • Articulate how differential access to knowledge, technology, and resources affects quality of life and perspectives.

The chapter also discussed teachers giving their students opportunities to explore shelters across the globe.  Todd Elkin is a teacher who brought his students through a project demonstrate ways they can recognize global perspectives.  The students were able to Skype and connect through blog post to various parts of the world.  This exercise showed the students different cultures and values.  The chapter stated, "For the American students, the project raised awareness of world inequality and their relatively privileged lifestyles. This was especially true for suburban students, who saw in the project an opportunity to revisit their own place gratefully and critically.” The chapter went on to say, "the students appreciated their access to technology, not having to work, and the relatively safe and tidy neighborhoods they live in. They came to understand how living in this context influences their perception of standards of living.” A very important lesson for students to see on a global level.  The last focus area of the chapter revolved around humor.  The chapter defined humor as "determined by observations made by one or multiple people.”. In this case, humor in Afghanistan was very different than what we see in the United States.  To most Americans, humor is a demonstration of laughter and joy whereas in Afghanistan in order to truly laugh “you must be able to take your pain and play with it.” A sad but necessary concept to look at.  By looking at peoples beliefs on a global level allows us to develop intercultural awareness.  This enhances our society and enriches our own culture.

Responses to the questions on page 9:
I. From your perspective, in what ways are the societal and environmental
transformations here described affecting your students’ lives today? How will they
be affected in the future?
Looking at the array of points discussed in all three of the readings I find it very difficult to say our society and school exercises the idea of global importance.  Unfortunately, I believe our students are being pushed to connect with sister schools.  Although extremely important, global connection isn't in the curriculum and unfortunately thrown to the side in most subject area.  This will severely affect my students in the future.  As discussed in my comments about the National Geographic Survey, I do not believe my students would do as well as I would like them to.  Unfortunately I believe this because my students seem to be focused on the here and now.  If it affects them at the current time they can address it.  For example, a couple years ago I was discussing the importance of standing for the pledge at the beginning of the year.  To one student it was in his terms "too much work" and unnecessary.  It wasn't until his father was called to into duty to be aware of the importance.  From them one he would become very upset with students who did not respect our beliefs as a country.  I believe it is the "how does it affect me now" concept teachers need to get through to our students.  How does it affect them now and in the future?  Without the knowledge of global education, our competency to be able to protect, help, and give support is hindered.

II. In your opinion, what are the key reasons for educating for global competence?
What are the barriers such an education might confront?
I believe some of the key reasons for education for global competence is partially due to safety but also it is what truly makes an educated person.  The United States for example, has embraced a variety of cultures.  Most of these cultures are still not fully understood by the American people yet we embrace them as our own.  A diverse country "makes many color" whereas a country with little diversity is seen as "black and white".  Unfortunately, there are many barriers in our educational system that hinders this education.  One barrier I see is testing and lack of time.  During the course of a year, a majority of the classroom time is spent on the testing of our students.  Because I teach at a school where our scores are not up to standard, this is more of an emphasis then other schools.  Funding is important in our school and therefore our scores must meet a certain criteria.  Unfortunately, global competency is not on a test and therefore given a backseat to some of the content area.  Although change to this is the teachers themselves.  In my classroom alone, I have 5 very different cultures.  We share those cultures and embrace them throughout the semester.  They add their input based on the unit being taught and therefore gives some of my students a quick insight to their beliefs. 

III. In your current opinion, what distinguishes a high- from a low-quality education for
global competence?
I believe a high education for global competence demonstrates a clear understanding of the various cultures.  Not only does the teacher embrace the culture but also shares various aspects of the culture.  I believe one was to incorporate this into a unit is to develop a relationship with a sister school in a different country.  Talk with them, share blogs and ideas.  The #walkmyworld project seems to do just that.  I believe it would be an interested project to bring into my classroom.  The ability to not only understand the culture but to also embrace and connect with the culture can make it a truly high quality education.  A teacher must stray from the idea of what do I have to teach to how can I embrace the culture and connect my students with it.  Sharing common interests is only one way I believe this can be done.

Mansilla, V., & Jackson, A. (2011). Educating for global competence: Preparing our youth to engage the world. New York, N.Y.: Asia Society ;.


Sunday, January 11, 2015


Here is my storify attempt to discuss my journey through the ITDML program and the start of two new classes.

Response to: Distance Education-Past, present and Future

When looking at distance learning and our educational systems today one must start at the beginning. In the article by Farhad Saba, he started discussing these early years.  Though informal apprenticeship programs to discussion forums, education was spread throughout the world in various ways. Farhad Saba continues to discuss how distance education has influenced our society. One more modern example of distance learning he discussed is radio.  Farhad Saba stated "listening to radio is less effective than face-to-face communication due to lack of the speaker’s “facial expressions and gestures.”

How effective are facial expressions?  Do we lose the passion and expression when learning through ways other than face to face interaction?  I think the interaction is an important part in education but not the sole fuel.  For example, many school systems teach with the mindset of connecting with our students.  If a connection is shared with the content as well as with their peers and the teacher, the more enhanced the level of learning. I also believe it depends on the generation.  Modern students have a much easier time connecting to the content and their peers without a face to face interaction.  In contrast, I value the face to face interactions but believe it can be enhance through exploration and distance learning.  My parents on the other hand see education as a paper, pencil and a desk full of eager students facing a chalkboard.

In conclusion, Farhad Saba discussed many points about distance learning.  From the beginning to now, learning can take place anywhere.  Technology allows us to "sit in a classroom" while in our pajama's in the comfort of our own home.  One statement that stuck out to me was when Farhad Saba discussed the benefits of distance learning in comparison to face to face interaction.  He stated, "despite the rapid growth of distance education in recent years, and overwhelming research evidence that there is no “statistically significant difference” between the effectiveness of distance and face-to-face instruction, the issue of quality of distance education has remained alive."  Being a part of online program, I was relieved to read this statement.  I too believe no matter if someone is educated through a vast distance or even face to face, the quality of the education remains intact.

Saturday, January 10, 2015

Reflection to Tony Jackson

 How can American students become more globally competent and multiculturally literate?

When I first started to think about my students on a global level, I was not sure what I could do to develop these ideas of diversity.  Sure, I have students of different cultures and different backgrounds.  But beyond the cultures in our room, there is a vast amount of cultures our students are not exposed to.  Tony Jackson discusses, "at the very least they can go to "Google" and flick the switch in the English language from around the world to get a perspective". Sure it might be that easy, but can they really understand what it means to be globally literate?  Tony also states, to be globally literate means to "do onto other as others would want to be done to them".  Seems close to our golden rule right?  After thinking, it may not be that easy.  Something as simple as a hello can mean different things in different languages.  In the United States eye contact is something that is valued whereas in other communities it is seen as disrespectful.

So how can I my students become more globally competent?  I think one way I can make my students more competent is by introducing various cultures in my curriculum.  In physical education we can do this in various ways.  We can set up a multicultural unit or even global games played around the world. Our department already incorporates a research project including various games played around the world.  The students need to research the rules, history, and even produce a video about the game.  In my health education class I could introduce various cultures by discussing health topics around the world. 

Global competency can be defined in various ways.  Tony Jackson discussed that globally competent kids can learn and communicate from various languages.  Not only can this provide them with an understand of various worlds and cultures but also shed light on the youth about the similarities of each.  It can also show that even though differences are evident, they are what makes the world a rich place.    The more we can embrace our differences and pass down the information to our students the better off we will be.