Wednesday, January 14, 2015

enGauge Response on pages 28-31 of Multicultural Literacy and Global Awareness

How (or do?) you see any of these points in our schools in CT?

Some of the content that stuck out at me is the charts defining a student who is informationally literate compared to one that is a multicultural literate individual.  In my opinion a student should be both.  In order to be a well-rounded student they need to be able to access information quickly and identify relevant sources of information.  They also need to be able to be diverse in understanding of values and beliefs.  I see a large stress on an informationally literate student but not so much on a multicultural literate student.  I believe our school system embraces the differences of all students but the area they are lacking is the connection from them to the rest of the population.  Similar to the article, I believe students who are multicultural literate are not only aware of cultural beliefs but appreciate and accept the similarities and differences. Another area I do not see a large stress on in the school systems today is students actively engaged with other cultures.  Some classrooms may say some stories or introduce various cultures but they do not fully embrace the culture.  I believe in order to do so one needs to connect with the culture on a personal level.


1 comment:

  1. I wholeheartedly agree, Cari. Kids need to be informational and multiculturally literate, but lack the tools, guidance or accurate knowledge to do so.
