Monday, August 4, 2014

Response to Sloep and Berlanga on Learning Network, Networked Learning

Network learning is fairly new term to me.  As an educator I had my resources within the school.  I also collected ideas from the web as well as other educators.  Most of the collaboration I had was amongst my co-workers.  Collaborating with other educators in my field was always an option but it seemed abstract to me. Where would I start? Am I asking the right questions?  How can they offer advice when they don't know my students.  I know know this was just ignorance talking.  Learning networks are designed to exchange experiences with others and work collaboratively.  Yes, it is true these other educators do not know my students.  And yes, sometimes their ideas might not work in my setting and my ideas might not work in theirs; however, when taking the step to share ideas is where a word of hope comes in, possibilities…I started to think about the endless possibilities and resources.  Then I started to think of my field in particular.  There are many learning networks already setup for physical education teachers to share, critique and seek help.  Most notably is PEcentral.  Not only does physical education have a learning network setup there are also sites on edmodo set up.  Edmodo shares lessons quizzes and information from all the physical education teachers in our district.  Learning Networks are supposed to be a place where one can set up communities for discussions, offer and receive support, and lastly finding resources.  As the old saying states, “there is no I in team”.  Learning Networks are a perfect way to share ideas and seek help with people who are in the same field as you.

1 comment:

  1. Agreed. PLN offer an opportunity to connect and learn from/with other individuals.
