Sunday, April 26, 2015

Analysis of Adaptive Technological Products and Services

Analysis of Adaptive Technological Products & Services

     Assistive Technology products are growing in the classroom setting.  More and more schools are finding a need for asistive technology in the classroom to help students with disabilities excel.  This week, I focused my attention on a specific assistive technological tool designed for students with either a intellectual disability or is blind/visually impaired.  The product is also a great tool for those learning a new language.
Image CC from
      The product I would like to review is a vocal pen called VOCA-pen.  The VOCA-pen is a communication tool used in various settings.  How the product is used is through a sticker recognition system.  The pen comes equipped with three different size stickers.  The participant can either record their voice, someone else's, sounds, music as well as a variety of other items in the pen.  The pen has a storage of about 10 hours; however, each item can only be recorded up to 5 minutes of time.  The overall idea of the pen is to help learners freely live their life with little to no interruption when it comes to communication skills.  Below is the VOCA-pen how to's:

How to use the VOCA-pen:

  • Determine a sticker size
  • Place the sticker on an object (reading, medicine, print..ect.) 
  • Record a verbal command (the teacher can help assist with this)
  • Commands can be music, sound, phrases, messages, words ect.
  • Items can be recorded over in a new command needs to be used'
     Some challenges the VOCA-pen demonstrates is the cost of the pen.  Most of the pens are around $400 for one pen.  Another challenge of the pen is the set of the stickers.  For a visually impaired student, the stickers would need to be set up by a teacher prior to the student performing the task or activity. Another shot coming of the device is it is computer based and needs to be charged.  If the device loses its charge, the device is inactive and will take about two hours to recharge.  Below are some videos on how the VOCA-pen is used  and the efficiency of it is.


  6. Image CC by
  7. voca pen-

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