Friday, May 29, 2015

Week 8 Discussion: Formative Assessments

EDUC 7726 WEEK 8

After reviewing the  PowerPoint for class this week I have learned there are many more ways to use formative assessments in my classroom than I thought.  I also learned the specific differences between formative and summative assessments.  
I believe formative assessments sometimes get lost in translation when a teacher is completing a unit.  I feel this way because time seems to usually be a big issue.  The most I have seen teachers use formative assessments is through Q and A or exit slips.  Unfortunately, both of these most common formative assessments require little to no technology.  Most teachers do not use digital formative assessments as much as they could because many think formative assessments are useless. Unfortunately, this is only a thought because not all teachers know the difference between formative and summative assessments and do not understand how to make the formative assessments useful. According to the reading from Digital Technology Tools for Implementing Formative Assessments, states there are different categories of formative assessments. These categories include rubrics, no hands up, all student response system, feedback, activating self and peers, and lastly, eliciting evidence of student learning.
Here is an example of a summative assessment using Google Sheets.  I use this summative assessment in my health education class for my 9th grade students.  A summative assessment is usually given at the end of a unit, semester or school year.  Formative assessment is a more frequent type of assessment to assist teachers by assess learning.
Some great strategies to use formative assessments in your classrooms are assessments such as think-pair-share, different types of tiered activities, and through scaffolding assignments.  All of the types of strategies can help give teachers a more specific picture of what the students know and where they are in terms of learning the material.
Formative assessments can be used through various types of activities.  Some of these activities do not require technology such as nut shelling, minute paper, muddiest point, and exit cards. Based on the video Link Your Video to a QR Reader, I created my own QR reader assessment and codes. I did not realize how many different types of formative assessments there are. All of the formative assessment help assist teachers gather data they may have over looked previously. Below I created three different types of formative assessment programs.  Two of the three programs I have not used in school yet but found them useful when reading the 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative, Assessment Tools article. I split my formative assessment examples into three different categories:
  • Flipped Classroom Lesson (Zaption)
  • Quick Check for Understanding (Kahoot)
  • No BYOD policy (Plickers)
The reason I choose these three categories is because I feel they are most useful in my current position as a health and physical education teacher.
Zaption is a program teachers can use during a flipped lesson.  The program is simple to setup and easy to use.  There are various videos and tutorials to help first time users with the program.  As seen in the image to the right, there are various resources Zaption allows you to capture information from.  A teacher can use a video they found on their own or a homemade video.  Although Zaption is a good idea for teachers who like to incorporate the flipped classroom concept, it may not be for everyone.  In order to create a video with multiple slides one must upgrade to the next edition.  Unfortunately, upgrading comes at a price, but for those who do flipped lessons and need to find a fun and easy way to interact with the students at home without taking up limited classroom time, Zaption is a great option.  Here is my YouTube example of how I could use Zaption in my health education class for ninth graders.  To share the video I could use the shareable link or upload the video to YouTube.  In order to upload the video I needed to screencast it because unfortunately the program is not compatible with YouTube. Here is a video I created to help show teachers how to create their own Zaption video.
The next formative assessment I choose to work on was Kahoot.  This type of formative assessment is great when check for understanding during a lesson.  It is a fun interactive way to use technology while making sure all the students are on the same page when it comes to the material. When making the assessment, the program gives you various options to use such as setting a time limit and choosing either a video to upload or an image.  One feature I found interesting is the capability of putting a point value on the questions.  I would use this feature as a review game before our summative assessment.  I created a video to show classroom teachers how to create their own Kahoot quizzes. Here is the assessment I made to demonstrate how I would use the program in my health education classes. To first start your Kahoot quiz, the teacher would log in to their account. The teacher will develop a multiple choice quiz Once the quiz is complete the students then go to the Kahoot quiz link. Once the students access the link they will need to enter the quiz "game pin". The students then will enter the game pin as well as their name. Some students do not want their name showcased on the smart board so the teacher can provide each student with a "secret number" or code to ensure the comfort of all their students. I have found Kahoot to be beneficial in a smaller group setting. Unfortunately, the program seems to not be able to handle larger groups of students taking the test but can accommodate a smaller number easily.

Lastly, I choose to talk about Plickers.  Plickers is a program intended for classrooms with limited to no technology.  The only device you will need is one which is the teacher's device.  Here is a video demonstration about how to use plickers in the classroom.  The program is free for all users and can be used mainly for quick formative assessments.  How the program works is each student will have a plicker card.  The teacher then uses his/her device to log in to the class currently taking the multiple choice test.  Once the teacher asks the class the premeditated question the students will hold up a their plicker card according to their answer.  Whichever letter is at the top of the card will be register in the teacher's device as the answer given.  Once the question is complete, the teacher scans the room with the device and the program automatically calculates the answers.  Data is then compiled and given to the teacher on their device instantaneously.  Below you will see an example I created for my classroom use.  


  1. Davis, V. (2015, January 15). 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from  
  2. Dyer, K. (2013, July 15). Digital Technology Tools for Implementing Formative Assessment – Post One. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from  
  3. Edwards, B. (n.d.). Link your google form to a QR Code. Retrieved May 25, 2015, from  
  4. Kahoot! | Game-based digital learning platform. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2015, from
  5. Plickers at 
  6. Zaption - Learn With Video. (n.d.). Retrieved May 25, 2015, from

Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Librarians: Their Role with Student and Autism

Autism and How Our School Librarian Gets Involved
Week Eight- 7724

There are many great resources available for students with autism in our school system today.  In our school, many teachers utilize the resources to help the students with autism successful in the classroom.  The technological devices help our students, communicate, read and write in our classroom setting.  I would like to focus specifically on our school librarian and the resources they provide both our teachers and our students with autism. 
Some services and devices our school provides students with autism are audio books.  Unfortunately, there are very limited budget for our school librarian and therefore, she is incapable of providing our students with excess technology devices to help enhance the classroom setting.  Although we do have a lack of resources and accommodations, grants are always available to receive funding for these specific devices.  Some other areas our school librarian helps our students is provides them with text to speech equipment. 
Our school librarian’s most important job when it comes to accommodations and modifications to our students with special needs is there collaboration with our classroom teachers.  Although our librarians are not involved in the IEP process, they still provide opportunities for classroom teachers to utilize the library for their specific needs.  Most of our teachers approach our school librarians when it comes to questions with assistive technologies.
When it comes to adaptive technology, our school librarians do not offer an extensive amount of devices to use.  Our school does use modified books to help the students read and write.  The librarians do provide an opportunity for the students with autism to come in and organize the books as well as opportunities to use audio books on the computers.  Videos are also available for the students to use to help assist them with the topics they are learning in their regular education classrooms.  

            I believe our school is lacking with it comes to assistive technology devices in the library. The article, Assistive Technology and Autism, discussing various devices the school could use to help students with autism.  Instructional software, portable handheld dictionaries, and reading pens are all great suggestions to help students with autism be successful in the classroom setting. In order to continue to help students with special needs, it is important all teachers are continuing to research and learn about available technological devices.


Friday, May 22, 2015

What Do Teachers Need To Know When Assessing Digital Literacy and Assessments Using Technology?

     During this week of my #itdml program, my 7726 class discussed two concepts when it comes to teaching in the 21st century with digital text and tools.  Assessment was the constant in both areas we discussed.  The overall concepts we talked about were what teachers need to know about assessment with technology AND assessment of digital literacy.  Below I will touch upon both points discussing the main ideas of each, strategies to use in your classroom, resources, and any recommendations I have when indulging in assessment with technology.

What Teachers Need To Know About ASSESSING WITH TECHNOLOGY:

+Mimi Knibbs did a great job explaining the main idea of assessing with technology. Mimi Knibbs looked deeper into the article, Assessment Technology and Change. She stated "technology is not being effectively utilized to assess sophisticated intellectual and psycho-social performances.  Instead, technology is merely being utilized to deliver the old-fashioned paper and pencil style of test in a digital format."  Before one can assess students with technology there are many things to keep in mind. Although there are benefits there are also weaknesses.   Some of these weaknesses are from +Mimi Knibbs article on Assessment, Technology and Change article. She stated the most dominant weakness of assessing with technology is the "lack of observations of performances" as well as an uncertainty with the rigor and familiarity of the product. I wonder if this would still be considered a weakness if all teachers were trained on an assessment tool and solely focused on implemented the tool in their class. It is a complaint that some teachers are unfamiliar with assessment tools because they were unsure how to create a meaningful assessment, effectively implement it, and benefit from the responses. Although some may feel there are downfalls to assessing with technology, there are also positives in a digital assessment. Not only can digital assessments help a teacher provide hands on learning in the ever changing 21st century but it is also a form many students are comfortable performing. For example, if I gave a student an analog clock they may have difficulties telling me the time; however, if I gave the same student a digital clock they most likely would be able to read it. Why? Our world is a digital place and our students are brought up surrounded by these digital devices.
Image CC from
Some strategies and recommendations I would stress to teachers assessing with technology is try the digital tool first before you implement it into your classroom. There are a vast amount of tools intended for classroom use. It is important to not only be aware of these assessments, but also pick a tool that is comfortable for the teacher as well as meaningful. If the assessment tool does not have a meaningful outcome it would not be the correct tool to use. +Joshua Lambert suggested that teachers should aligning their objectives with the assignment. What if the students can develop their own digital assessment? Would it spread the accountability more on the student and engage them in the learning process? Using a variety of tools can also have benefits in the students learning.  

Lastly, when talking about assessment with technology one must look at the vast amount of tools available to the teachers. +Jody Ceglarski offered some great suggestions on assessment tools to use in the classroom. Socrative is a tool I have used in my classroom and find great value in it. Not only does Socrative and Kahoot! provide an assessment opportunity, it also allows me to effectively give a quick check for understanding from my students. Pre and post test have never been easier and the teacher is given each students responses quick. One pit fall I have found using Kahoot is the amount of students capable of logging in at one time. We have found in our school difficult to have more than ten students log into Kahoot at any one time. I have not used Zaption, Back Channel Chat Tools, or Plickers but each tool sounds like it could benefit my students.


Image CC from
Assessment of digital literacy simply means technological tools designed to help teachers assess students ability to effectively read and write.   When looking at effective digital literacy tools +Christel Russman  discussed TRAILS-9 . She stated some of the positives when assessing literacy is it gives teachers the opportunity to provide immediate feedback to the students.  The programs are usually free as well as most are great tools to enhance collaboration among their peers, community and teachers.  It is important to remember when looking at digital literacy, our students are growing up in this ever-changing digital world.  In contrast, teachers are the ones who are trying to play “catch up” with technology.  Students are engulfed in digital literacy constantly.  I believe teachers main role when discussing digital literacy and education is teaching the students how to effectively communicate and use the technology.  Too many students write idk (I don’t know) or other “slang” text terms because they were not properly taught digital literacy stills. Twitter, snap chat, Facebook, and other social media websites have been used by most of our students for some time.  Unfortunately, the students are not taught the proper way to communicate when using these sites.  My challenge to teachers is to use these types of social networking to your advantage. Why not teach the students how to effectively use Twitter?  Some other ways teachers can help students learn proper digital literacy skills are through various technology collaboration programs and effective rubrics. +Monica Hayes talked further about rubrics based on the Review of Digital Literacy Assessments article. Rubrics are great tools to help teachers assess student’s digital literacy skills.  Rubrics also allow teachers to provide the students with immediate, specific feedback on their performance.

  1. A Review of Digital Literacy Assessment Instruments. (n.d.)
  2. Bonk, C. (2010, September 21). 25. Assessing Student Online Learning.
  3. Clarke-Midura, J., & Dede, C. (2010). Assessment, technology, and change. Journal of Research on Technology in Education, 42(3), 309-328.
  4. Davies, S. (2010). Effective assessment in a digital age: A guide to technology-enhanced assessment and feedback. S.l.: Higher Education Funding Council for England
  5. TRAILS. (n.d.).
  6. 5 Fantastic, Fast, Formative Assessment Tools. (n.d.).
  7. 33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom. (2014, January 21).

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Assessing with Technology: From the Classroom to Large Scale: Week 7

TOPIC: Assessing with Technology: From the Classroom to Large Scale
EDUC 7726 Week 7
The topic I choose to focus on is Assessing with Technology from the classroom to large scale learning targets.  When assessing technologies one must identify the critical issues, understand the available assessment tools appropriate for student learning and be able to evaluate multiple ways to assess when using technology.  The article “Effective Assessment in the Digital Age”, by Sarah Davies struck me with her ideas when assessing students digitally.  Davies stated, “Nothing that we do to, or for, our students is more important than our assessment of their work and the feedback we give them on it.”  When discussing digital assessment Davies discussed twelve REA principals to follow which are (Davies, pg. 15)
  1. Clarify good performance through clearly defined and specific goals and standards.
  2. Emphasis on appropriate time and effort on harder tasks
  3. Provide students with high-quality feedback
  4. Give opportunities to reply to feedback given
  5. Ensure assessments have a positive impact on learning
  6. Emphasize peer and teacher interaction
  7. Provide opportunities for self-assessment and reflection
  8. Give students an opportunity to help “design” the assessment
  9. Involve students in the process
  10. Support groups learning
  11. Encourage positive self-esteem through motivation
  12. Share information to other teachers
Through the understanding about the interwoven relationship between assessment, feedback and effective learning is only the beginning when looking at student learning through assessment (Davies, pg. 15).  Many believe assessment should be done in absence of technology; however, technology can benefit assessment through self-evaluations and immediate feedback (Davies, pg 17).  In order to achieve an acceptance of assessment and technology one must provide appropriate evidence of the benefits it provides the learners with (Davies, pg 19).  A great way to ensure students are engaged is to increase self-assessments through online tools such as WebPA (Davies, pg 21). Below are a couple more programs that could be used for assessment in the classroom:
  1. Lino – A board of sticky-notes.  The program can be used for exit slips or a quick check for understanding.
  2. Socrative, Kahoot – Great tool to give pre and post assessments.
  3. Coggle – A great mind mapping tool to help organize student thoughts and provide organization
  4. Google Forms – A program to develop surveys, quizzes, as well as student sign up sheets.
You must ensure the assessment is considered a valuable assessments for learning by asking yourself the following question.  Does the assessment engage my students? Does the assessment support a personalized learning experience with valid feedback?  Does the assessment focuses on development and stimulate dialogue (Davies, pg. 53)? Digital assessments can be a great tool to develop formative and summative assessments.  Learning can be enhanced through these avenues because technology, when used properly, can help ensure your students are engaged and continue to actively learn.

  1. Davies, S. (2010). Effective assessment in a digital age: A guide to technology-enhanced assessment and feedback. S.l.: Higher Education Funding Council for England
  2. 33 Digital Tools for Advancing Formative Assessment in the Classroom. (2014, January 21). Retrieved May 17, 2015.  

Week 7: Educating Students with Mild Disabilities

Week Seven Discussion
Assisting Students with Mild Disabilities
Cari McKee
How can we meet the needs of students with mild disabilities?  I think in order to answer that question we need to first focus on what is considered a mild disability. Beard divided mild disabilities into three different categories.  These categories are mild, intellectual and
emotional/behavioral disabilities.  Regardless of the classification of the student's disability, all of these categories can affect how successful a student is in the classroom if not addressed properly by both the teachers, students, individual and parents.  I do not believe a disability is solely for one person to manage but rather a community of people to help support that individual. Without the support I believe it is more difficult for the student to be successful.
Beard’s chapter five talked about a student who had a mild disability.  Unfortunately,
mild disabilities are the most common targeted disability in the classroom setting today.  When assisting students with mild disabilities such as Mike in chapter five, one must look at the student’s IEP suggestions as well as the student’s behavior.  In Mike’s case, he was having difficulty with reading and writing.  Mike reminds me of students in my current classrooms.  Most of the students try and “mask” their disability by acting out.  These are the types of students who are usually in a general education classroom and do not usually receive the assistance they need.
The teacher plays a big role in the success of the student through proper teaching practices and student engagement without peer judgements.  I also believe the proper assistive technology can help the students in general education with mild disabilities through various ways.  Not only does the assistive technology need to be accurate for the students current needs but also needs to be agreed upon by the IEP team.  The chapter talked about many different types of assistive technology to use in the classroom.  Some other programs I feel would benefit some of these students with mild disabilities are the following:
  1. Co:Writer: A program that adds word prediction, grammar, and vocabulary to the students interactive devices. FlexSpell is offered in the program to help assist students helps students spell
  2. EZ keys: A program that enhancing prediction. The program showcases common words beginning with the letter as the student begins to type.
  3. Gus!Word Prediction: This program is intended to help improve typing speed of the students.
  4. WordQ2Writing: The program provides students with spoken feedback and suggests words to help students with their writing skills.
In Alper’s article, hardships and barriers were discussed.  The article talked about how not all groups and school systems have equal access to assistive technology devices due to financial burdens.  It was also suggested that another hardship is the lack of equipment and lack of knowledge from the teachers and surrounding support staff.  He also suggested a lack of ongoing support.  All of these areas need to be addressed in order for the individual to adequately receive the proper assistive technology and the support necessary for success.  Ellis and Lenz discussed three main areas of learning are necessary for each student to become a successful learner. These areas include gaining of knowledge, expressing, and organization of the information.  They also stated the school system and IEP team need to recognize the pros and cons of each assistive technology device before suggesting the device to the student. Delivery redesign and a way to ensure accountability both on the student, teacher, and assistive technology device. By doing this constant “update”, the device can be critiqued on whether or not it is still useful to the student.  If the device seems not useful, another more useful device should be considered in its place.
  1. Akpan, J. (n.d.). National Social Science Association. Retrieved May 17, 2015, from    
  2. Alper, S., & Raharinirina, S. (2006). Assistive technology for individuals with
    disabilities: A review and synthesis of the literature. Journal of Special Education Technologies, 21(2), 47-64.
  3. Beard, L. A., Carpenter, L. B., & Johnston, L. B. (2011). Assistive technology: Access for all students (2nd/3rd ed.). Toronto: Pearson Education.
  4. Edyburn,D. L. (2000). Assistive technology and students with mild disabilities. Focus on Exceptional Children, 32(9), 1-23.

Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Week 6 Discussion Response-Physical Disabilities

Week 6 Discussion Response

Since more than 90% of students with disabilities are in schools with their peers and are receiving services in the general education classrooms, by Wednesday determine if there is a place in your classroom or school that is not properly accessible if you were to have a student in a wheelchair. Remember that according to Beard’s Chapter 6 a student’s position must be changed every 20 minutes (pg. 92) so based on that how should  your classroom be set up, designed or re-built to best suit the student?

Considerations for your response:
  • Transitions into the building/classroom
  • Different areas of your room in which you teach
  • Transitions to other parts of the building
  • Lunch
  • Play
  • Bathrooms
  • Participation after school

As a physical education and health teacher, I see many areas of concerns when it comes to students with a physical disability and accommodating them in our school. Currently our school is undergoing construction and therefore inhibit the way our students with a physical disability can access their classes.  I would like to discuss not only our previous situation but our current and future situations. Throughout my response I will continue to talk about one student's journey through a typical school day.  
Last year, our school underwent a very large scale renovation process.  The beginning stages of the process did not affect our students because it was an addition on one of the sides of our current buildings.  However, there were some areas of concern when it came to students with physical disabilities and their access around school.  One particular student is physically handicapped and is restricted to a wheelchair.  Due to the lack of space, the student needs to go to the nurse whenever he needs to use the facilities.  Although there was one working elevator in the school, the student needed to compete with other students who also held a “elevator key” distributed by the nurse.  This elevator key was used for students who were physically handicapped as well as an emotionally handicapped.  As you can imagine, it became difficult to arrive to classes on time.  The solution for this student was to leave the previous class 5-10 minutes early so he would be able to arrive to his next class on time.  During the student's freshman year I had him in health education class.  The room was sized to accommodate 25 students.  Unfortunately, with 30 students in the class and very little space to move around, the student was forced to share a desk in the front row of the class with one of his friends.  Once the day was over, the student was unable to participate in after school athletics due to a lack of adaptive activities offered.
At the beginning of the current school year we were moved to our newly renovated building and access is limited for both the teachers and students.  While in the transition process the elevators were placed out of order.  All the students who needed access to the elevator, such as the student I talked previously about, needed to sit in an alternative room with work compiled together from the teacher. Unfortunately, I do not have this student currently and therefore am unable to provide feedback of the current situation.  Currently, the elevators are now up and running so the student has access to the class.  The classes in the new wing are now equipped with rolling chairs and tables making it extremely easy to accommodate for students who are wheelchair bound. The student still needs to attend the nurse when needing to use the bathroom and does so accordingly.
The future plans of the building accommodate for two elevators and numerous access to the currently called “new wing”.  This will allow students appropriate access to each of the buildings.  The classrooms will all be renovated with the new rolling tables and chairs to help enhance the access for students with physical disabilities as well as a great tool for collaboration.The pool will also be renovated with the addition of a chair lift for students with a physical disability.  Currently we do not have access to the pool for students who need assistance getting in or out.  There are plans of a handicapped bathroom for those in need of more space when using the lavatory as well as talks of an adaptive sports program.  Also, ramps are now installed outside for easy access to our athletic fields whereas before there was only stairs and a very steep ramp used for an ambulance access way.
Overall I do believe, like most schools, our school was dated when it comes to accommodating students with a physical handicap.  I also believe our school is currently working hard to provide an opportunity for those students to get the same education and access the same things someone who is not wheelchair bound could.  

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Infographic Reflection

Infographic and Reflection

When I was first required to do an infographic I was unsure what it included.  Unaware of the product or process, I dove into the creation of an infographic head on.  Based on other student recommendations, I decided to use piktochart as my platform to create my infographic.
First, I needed to develop a plan to support my infographic idea, “can the flipped classroom increase student engagement?”  While finding information I felt the process itself was meaningful.  Being a physical education teacher, I am extremely hands on when it comes to learning.  Therefore, I was very excited to showcase how the flipped classroom can provide more opportunities for teachers to interact with the content on a deeper level.  

Why is a Flipped Classroom important and relevant to me?
I started to think about topics relevant to myself and my classroom setting and came to the conclusion of an idea around a flipped classrooms. Not only is it important to me but it is also relevant in my career.  This school year, our district has been trying to incorporate the flipped classroom more into our everyday routine.  Unlike many teachers, I saw potential when it came to the flipped lesson but was unsure on how much potential there was.  This project allowed me to research and organize my thoughts. It also allowed me to develop a visual on why the flipped classroom is beneficially for so many teachers.  A speaker came to Maloney and discussed Marzanno!  Right away I knew who he was and was excited to be learning about him both at my workplace and in this #idtml program.  The gentleman speaking referenced Marzanno and said, the US schools are spending 58% of class time Interacting with new content, 36% practicing the information and only 6% with cognitively complex tasks such as generating and testing hypotheses.  So I thought, why are we sending students home with the hard work without anyone at home able to assist them if needed.  Why not flip Bloom’s Taxonomy and do the “hard stuff” at school.

Some hards I found in creating a flipped classroom are if students don't have access to the internet.  If students do not have access to the internet how can they watch the created videos? Luckily students can be provided with a flash drive with the videos already transported onto them.  All the student has to do is connect the flash drive to a computer and they would have access to numerous videos.  The students can also use an ipod or MP4 player and listen to an audio version of the lesson.  The last resort is to burn the lessons on a DVD for the student to watch.

Make recommendations for other’s who want to create an infographic (offer suggestions for how to use them in the classroom and suggest resources for assessing them)
Some suggestions I would give to other professionals or students willing to create an infographic is “play with it”.  The process isn't as scarey as it may seem and it is a great way to visually represent information.  For example, in my physical education classroom, I will be using an infographic to visually display the basic rules and skills of each unit. In my health classroom I am already planning on having the students create an infographic based on a topic assigned to them.  They would research the information and create a visual display to showcase to the class.

Explain how your work improved through this collaborative design process
I believe no task is possible without collaboration from my peers.  It is always better to have more eyes analyzing a topic closely because each person can add a beneficially piece to the pie. I shared my infographic with not only my peers in the #itdml program but also with other coworkers.  Each group provided feedback to enhance and create my final infographic.  One of the most beneficially pieces of feedback I received was used not only for this class but for my school.  As I previously stated, my school is pushing the flipped classroom.  One of my survey questions asked, what is the reason for not doing a flipped lesson?  Below is a chart showcasing the responses of my #itdml peers as well as some of my coworkers at school.  this information was beneficial for my administration to see because now they can try and allow teachers more time to create a lesson and stress the importance of it to the staff.  

I do believe piktochart made the process of created my very first infographic relatively easy.  So after collaboration with my peers, numerous hours of research, and surveys. Overall, I am extremely happy I did an infographic on the flipped classroom. I changed some of my statistics as well as added videos of what a flipped classroom looks like at all the different levels of learning. Here is my completed infographic.