Sunday, October 26, 2014

Health Education Unit Plan Using Technology:Nutrition

Health Education Lesson Plan
Nutrition: Food Groups/Essential Nutrients
Cari McKee

As a physical education and health teacher I have the opportunity to choose from two subject areas to complete a unit plan (6 days).  The subject I chose to focus on was health education.  Below is a day by day explanation, my expectations, technology use and more.  The unit I will be doing is nutrition.  I choose nutrition because many of my colleagues do not have a lot of technology based assignments in this unit so I thought it would be a great place for me to challenge myself but also help out my colleagues.  Our nutrition unit is split up into sub units.  I chose to focus on the beginning part, food groups and essential nutrients.

Unit: Nutrition; Food Groups and Essential Nutrients
Objectives: By the end of the unit the students will be able to:
  • Categorize foods into their specific food group
  • Describes what the food groups and essential nutrients are
  • Create a healthy meal for one day using all the food groups (except fats/oils)

Day 1: The students will be able to list the different food groups.
Introduction to nutrition and the different food groups.  Using their tablets, the students will login to and take a pretest on the different types of food groups and the essential nutrients.  The remainder of the class period will be using the smart board to demonstrate the different food groups and what types of essential nutrients are found in each group.
Technology used: Smart board, school issued tablet, and

Day 2: Using the video from the previous night, the students will be able to create a visual demonstrating the different food groups.
Using the flipped classroom, the students were required to watch a video at home on the different food groups and types of essential nutrients.  During class, the students will use the website to create a graph showcasing the different food groups.  The students would also need to include an explanation of the food group and no less than five examples of each food group the students would normally eat at home.  
Technology used:, tablet, flipped classroom

Day 3: Using technology, the students will be able to input andcritique their daily intake.
The students will meet in the computer lab.  Using the website or to input everything the students ate the day before.  Once they input all of their food they would need to print out the report on their daily intake.  
Technology used: computers, tablets,,

Day 4: The students will be able to create a days worth of healthy meals (breakfast, lunch and dinner)
Day two of the computer lab.  Using the website or the students need to create a healthy meal and they must include all five (not including fats/oils) food groups in their breakfast, lunch and dinner.  Once they input all of their food they would need to print out the report on their daily intake.  
Technology used: computers, tablets,,

Day 5: The students will be able to provide evidence on which daily meal is healthier based on the food groups and nutrients provided.
The students will create a web map (I still need to find a program to do this with) to demonstrate the two different meals.  With the food groups in mind and the nutrients they provide to the body, each student must compare and contrast the two days and discuss which one is healthier.  They also need to provide examples of why they believe the daily intake they choose is healthier. The students can create a cartoon (powtoon, goanimate), a powerpoint (google presenter, powerpoint, prezi), or a commercial to demonstrate which daily intake is healthier.
Technology used: computer, tablet, mapping program chosen by the student

Day 6:The students will be able to list the different types of food groups and show learning through a post test
The students will post their final creation to the google classroom.  The students will also retake their socrative post assessment today.
Technology used: School issued tablet, and, google classroom

Reflection of Module 3 and Storify

Image CC from Wikipedia
     Storify...although very fun, it was extremely frustrating.  I unfortunately tried to complete the storify assignment on an older Microsoft computer.  The computer was not compatible with the storify website.  Once I worked out the glitches, now I had to rethink my journey in the technology program.  In conclusion, it took me a little time to compile my thoughts but ultimately I thought storify was a fun and great idea to showcase our journey through the technology program. 
     When I first started this journey, I was terrified.  As described in storify, I felt as though I was in quicksand and sinking quickly.  What are all these terms?  How am I going to learn a new language while learning how to use the technology? Not only was I fearful but also embarrassed.  It seemed as though my students knew more about the technology out there then I did.  So...scared, hesitant and definitely reluctant I decided to take this journey head on.  I thought, one can never learn to swim if they never get into the water. 
     Thus far my journey has been both memorable and useful.  The reading comprehension Module made me think of different ways I can use technology in my classrooms.  But what is reading comprehension? Is it the same as reading a paperback book? Do our students need to be equipped with different types of reading comprehension skills when using technology compared to using a hard cover?  This module brought a whole new meaning to critical thinking.  Before module 3, reading was reading. The difference between text and hard copy was solely preference.  Module 3 made me think about the different skills and strategies one must understand when reading the two different types of text. 
     As a whole, all modules have provided me with extremely great questions and have opened by eyes to online learning.  Although the material may be similar the strategies and skills have to be adjusted.

Reading Comprehension in Health Education

Health Education
Lesson Plan: Reading Comprehension in Health Education

Unit: Nutrition

Purpose(s) : The purpose of this activity is to research a fad diet.  The students must provide a complete report on the diet. Based on what the students read, they must take a stance on if they believe the diet is healthy or not.

Digital technology tool
Writing utensil

Standards Addressed:
ELA: craft and structure
“Determine the meaning of words and phrases as they are used in a text, including figurative, connotative, and technical meanings; analyze the impact of specific word choices on meaning and tone, including analogies or allusions to other texts.”

Essential Questions:·         
·         Why do people believe fad diets are healthy?
·        What evidence shows the fad diet to be healthy or not healthy?
·        How can we provide our research to the community?

Focused Instruction (“I Do It”)

How will you:
  • Make lesson purposes(content-language-social) clear to your students?
  • Connect to prior learning?
    • Ensure relevance and interest in the content?

  • Model and Demonstrate?

  • Notice what students are learning and still need to learn?

  • Allow for student interaction?

-Clear outlined objectives aligned with the  curriculum and state standards and overview before assignment starts
-Students will recall research skills discussed previously to find relevant and recent articles.
Students will use skills to sift through relevant information.
Provide previously completed work for examples.
Based on student arguments, we will continue to discuss the importance of researching fad diets before we try them.
Students will use the researched evidence to compile a debate stance and affecting argue why they believe their fad diet is healthy or not.
Students must, create, compare, interact, and evaluate their peers.

Guided Instruction (“We Do It”)

How will you:
  • Know that each student thought through and formulated a response to questions?
  • Prompt and cue as needed?
  • Allow students a variety of methods and modalitites in which to respond?

  • Assist students in processing information?

-Through daily checks and monitoring of student progress. Students must provide evidence of their research.

-We will discuss the key concepts of healthy eating when paired with exercising.
-Students can use various sources to research articles (tablet, desktop, smart phone).  Students can also present their information in various ways (virtual newspaper, written)
-Provide daily instruction, guidance, and feedback on their self evaluation.
Collaborative Learning (“You Do It Together”)

How will you:
  • Determine the complexity of the task?
  • Provide students with hands-on experiences and practice?
  • Determine grouping (pairs, groups) for this activity?
  • Ensure that students have sufficient language support to be successful in collaborative tasks?
  • Hold students accountable for their learning?

-Based on student self assessment.

-Students will have the ability to assess the facts researched by their peers.  
-Groups can be formed based on a “mentor” student paired with a student who is struggling.
-Students will use their previous knowledge and packet to apply the information taught before the lesson.
-Students are assessed by the teacher, self, and peer assessments based on their research provided.


Sunday, October 19, 2014

Online Reading Comprehension Response-7720

     Many people read for different reasons.  We read for pleasure in some cases and in other cases, we read for information.  We all learn in different ways and therefore we all read differently.  When I first started to think about Module 3, I couldn't help but think of a professional development day last year.  The professional development day involved speed reading.  For those who do not know what speed reading is, it is having the ability to group words together and skim the material in hopes to understand it.  Although skipping words, speed reading allows people to look quickly at work and skim the responses.  If speed reading involves skimming the words is it truly reading? Should teachers consider this a tool? However, like various other types of reading, speed reading is a type of reading.  Many of professionals at our school argued, can speed reading give us the ability to comprehend what we were reading?  My answer would be, it depends on what I am reading.  If I am reading for information or critiquing a student's work, speed reading would not be an option for me.  If I was flipping through my monthly magazine of Bon Appetit I could use speed reading.  The reading is for pleasure and not required to critically analyze the information.
     This brings me to my next point, does what I am reading influence how I should read it?  I agree with this statement.  I believe depending on what your purpose for reading is depends on your reading style and skills.  For example, on the SAT's, a student will read more critically then a homework assignment.  Why?  The purpose of the reading is different.  In one situation the student has a certain amount of time to read the information.  Based on the information presented they need to recall facts and materials presented.  In contrast, with a homework assignment the student has time after school to be able to read the material and use it to answer questions.  They also might have the ability to talk with their classmates if they do not understand a section of the homework.
     Education now is starting to make a strong transition to digital text.  I will have to admit, I am the type of person who would rather read a printed item then a digital texts.  It is familiar and I have the ability to hold the material in my hand.  To me, there is a big difference in holding a piece of material and looking at it online.  I feel my ability to comprehend the material is easier when it is in print.  I can take notes on the side, highlight sections, put sticky notes on the side and various other strategies my teacher taught us when I was younger.  But these strategies are just that, strategies.  Ways to enhance our reading comprehension.  Would reading online be the same if we were taught similar tools and strategies?
    To my students I do believe there is a difference in reading material perception.  To them a book is not as desirable as a computer based print.  They are capable of this because I feel they have grown up with technology as an essential piece to function in society.  Think about it, what would we do if we didn't have instant access to infinite games, magazines, movies, games, articles and much more from our devices.  Our lives stem around digital text but for some reason to me, the paperback written word is easier to comprehend and read deeper.
     So how can I apply this reading comprehension to my students?  To answer this question I would like to take a look at the New Literacies literature article.  The article discussed various ways reading comprehension has changed when looking at the traditional reading and digital text. The article stated the following:
  • The Internet is this generation’s defining technology for literacy and learning within our global community.
  • The Internet and related technologies require additional new literacies to fully access their potential.
  • New literacies are deictic
  • New literacies are multiple, multimodal, and multifaceted
  • Critical literacies are central to new literacies
  • New forms of strategic knowledge are required with new literacies
  • New social practices are a central element of New Literacies
  • Teachers become more important, though their role changes, within new literacy classrooms
     One section that struck me was the third to last and the last bullet.  New forms of strategic knowledge need to be required.  Although the text may be the same, reading from a paperback and reading on the computer may seem like two different types of reading. To some the words may blur together when reading on the internet.  I believe this is so because we do so many things using the internet so our distraction is higher.  We use the devices to look up material, play games, talk with friends and various other things therefore even though we may not use these sources when reading, the subconscious thought is still present.  Also, if it isn't on our mind I am sure there is a pop up or advertisement that can help a student or myself get off track from the material itself.  In contrast, when reading a book we specifically need to concentrate on the book itself. There is no other use for the book or reading material other than the comprehension of the words.
    The second article I would like to glance at is the chart from Strategies of Online Reading Comprehension.  The chart is seen below:
Traditional reading
(in school)
Online reading
Texts are mostly narrative (e.g. novels, short stories, plays, poems).Texts are mostly informational.
Reading takes place mostly in whole-class or small group reading activities; readers can be grouped together by level.Reading is more individualized, often with one student at one computer.
Writers/sources are typically deemed authoritative by virtue of being published.Because it’s easy for anyone to publish online, authority of information typically merits more evaluation.
Information typically consists only of text, sometimes with images.Hyperlinks, images, audio, and video are usually part of the reading experience.
Information typically flows sequentially (from the first word of the book to the last).Information can flow non-sequentially (one word might lead via hyperlink to an entire new piece of reading).
Reading is focused on one page at a time — choice of the reader is limited.Reading can be interactive (reader response possibilities, potentially limitless decisions about where to go with the text, etc.).
Chart CC from New Literacies

     This chart is an outstanding outline of what traditional school like reading is compared to those on the internet.  As you can see there are many differences in the two forms of reading.  I believe it is our responsibility as teachers to introduce more reading comprehension to students as digital text.  The article also talked about readability. I have not used readability but from what I have read it seems like a great tool to help close the gap between traditional reading and digital text.  I have used Newsela a great deal in my class.  Newsela is has digital text where students cannot only research various topics but can answer questions on the article they read.  I also enjoy Newsela because I can develop or research articles myself based on a specific topic and correlate the reading based on each students comprehension level.  This means I will be able to have my lower learners read the same article as my higher order thinking students.
     I believe there are various ways teachers can incorporate reading comprehension in our classrooms. I believe the most important piece of teaching reading comprehension to our students is give them a clear objective.  It is important the students understand what and why they are reading an article.  I also believe teaching students to properly take notes based on the material is an essential piece of reading comprehension.  The SBAC is a new test allowing student's to take an assessment online with the use of digital tools.  They have the ability to use digital sticky notes, dictionary, highlighting and other tools to help the students comprehend the material easier.  Even though the strategic methods used are old, because they are digital it is essential for teachers to help students adjust.  Once the strategies are taught to the students their ability to read, comprehend and distinguish between the important and less important information will only increase and in turn making each student more successful when reading.  

  • Alvermann, D. (n.d.). New Literacies: A Dual-Level Theory of the Changing Nature of Literacy, Instruction, and Assessment. In Theoretical models and processes of reading (Sixth ed., p. Chapter 42, page 1158).
  • Hodgson, K. (n.d.). Strategies for online reading comprehension. Retrieved October 15, 2014, from

Power of Pictures: 7718

Power of Pictures
Open Mic Week #2: ED 7718

Image CC by

Pictures are powerful things.  The saying "pictures speak a thousand words" is very true.  I believe this is why many advertisements use pictures as a way to increase their revenue. Since we were young, pictures were ways to communicate and recognize objects. The article, "The Power of Pictures in Social Media Marketing" discusses the power of an image.  


Image CC by

This article made me think of one specific food chain.   When one see's an image of a golden  "M" they automatically think of the famous fast food chain, McDonald's.   So how powerful are our pictures?  The "Power of Words" video clip was not only inspirational but also showed how if one changes their order of words and what they are saying the meaning is truly different.  After I watched this video it reminded me of my classroom.  In my health class we discuss how to deal with issues and how we need to change our discussion statements from, "you said a mean word to me" to "I feel sad by the comment you made". By simply changing the words, the message is still the same but the delivery is different and therefore requires a different response. Just like the video stated, "change your words, change your world."

Image CC by

Unfortunately, our world see's images before we read text.  We also try to interrupt the image before we really look at what the image and how it was meant to be shown. The problem with interpretations is they are different for all.  If one looks at this picture they might "see" a different image then someone else.  The issue with images is the perception is different for all.  For example, when you look at this picture, what do you see?
Image CC by
If you looked at it from a different perspective you would see the image is a picture is of an up close fly's eye; however, we are trained to look at what we see and possibly not the whole picture.  We are trained with social media, media, advertisements, films and various other sources, images are important and should influence our lives.  In the second article, "Image is Everything: Why People Are Hooked on Image-Based Social Media" discusses just that.  The article states, “Psychologically, consumers love imagery, and seeing visually appealing things creates positive emotions.". It also states, "most people -- between 65 and 85 percent -- also describe themselves as 'visual learners,' forming meaning and organizing thoughts based on what they see more so than what they read”. So how do images affect our educational setting?  Songs like All About that Bass portray the image of any size person is seen as beautiful.  Or does it?  We started to stray away from the Barbie doll image as what we once remember to play with as children and move to a different image.  Is the message really all that different?  Barbie was advertising the skinny body as beautiful and now they opposite has accrued in this song.  The message remains the same that a specific body type is seen as beautiful rather than all seen as beautiful like in the song, "Just the Way You Are".  In the last video, "Looks aren’t everything.  Believe me, I’m a model" Cameron had to change the way she looked to make herself looks as though the photographer wanted her to be portrayed.  Whether it is a bathing suit, clothes, shoes or even Gatorade the image has to seen in a certain way to portray a certain feeling.  The viewer needs to think they can look like that if they bought the dress, or run like that if they only drank Gatorade.  As in Cameron's words, we need to “transform how we look”.  Our students look at those images and believe it needs to be true.  For example, I previously discussed Barbie.  What image is Barbie truly portraying to our youth?  In the article from the Barbie is looked at as if she were a life size person.  Unfortunately, the article also compares the image of Barbie to those of "normal" body weight and those who have developed the eating disorder, anorexia nervousa.  In Barbie's fact sheet, it looks at the different proportions of Barbie as well as Barbie when she first came out had a scale (set for 110 pounds) and a book that read, "How to Lose Weight: Don't Eat".  It isn't just females, boys are portrayed to have a body image of Ken or Go.I. Joe characters. Images surround us and we associate what we see with what we have to have and have to be.  For example, the highest paying commercial during the Superbowl are alcoholic beverages.  Does everyone who watches the Superbowl over 21 years of age?  The assumption is, everyone is having a Superbowl party and therefore must have alcohol present.  So one must ask themselves, are all the images in our media negative? In my opinion, images in the media are looking to portray a feelings.  Whether the feeling is freedom, friendship, fun, powerful or beauty it is different for all people.  There are many images in the media where the message is to portray a certain feeling so the student, parent, friend, or child so they pay their product.  For example, in the commercial of paint a father is talking with his wife assuring her everything is just fine at home. In reality, the house is a mess and there is food all over the walls. What message does it portray?  A father cannot control the children or the paint is great for removing stains?  I think the media has changed its thinking from telling us what we should look like and how we should act to a remembrance of a feeling so you will buy their product.  If it is funny one is more likely to remember the product and buy it.  Our students look at the commercials and music videos.  Based on what they see as "cool" will influence what they buy.  Does it mean the product is the best or most comfortable? Not always.  What does matter is the look and confidence of the product based on how it was portrayed by the media.  If Michael Jordan was as average basketball player would this image mean as much?
Image CC by

 The Power of Words:  
Image is Everything: Why People Are Hooked on Image-Based Social Media:


Sunday, October 12, 2014

Week 6 Discussion Response

     In chapter 6, Turkle discussed the controversy of people having conversations with robots and posed the question,  “What is it to have a conversation?”  After reading the chapters 6,7, and 8 I started to ask myself the same question.  As previously discussed in regards to social media, we portray a message but aren't sure if anyone is listening.  Is it still a conversation then if your the only one interacting? I believe a conversation and communication are two different words with very different meanings.  We communicate in many different ways.  We communicate through our actions, presentations, discussions, verbal, our clothes and even lifestyle.  We communicate our thoughts and beliefs even though we may not speak any words.  I believe, in order to have a conversation one must communicate with another "person".  Meaning when my eight year old daughter talks with Siri, is that not a conversation? In contrast, conversations in person are very different then those we have with computers and the digital world.  When faced with a computer screen in between you and your communicator one might have more confidence.   I also believe when we communicate online it is usually to portray a message to those who believe the same thing you might.  It is in our human nature to find comfort in those who have the same values and beliefs as others. Social media and digital text allows us to communicate to a variety of beliefs. 

What are they and how do they appear in your personal and professional lives?    If you were to diagram the power relationships in each of them,  what would the diagrams look like?     How does technology impact them?    
     I think the best way to discuss communication and the different ways we interact is best described through a diagram.  Therefore, I created this popplet to demonstrate the different ways we communicate in different settings.  At home, I have two sources of communication, our significant other and our children.  Because my children are below the age of eight, I do not have to worry about different ways of communicating with them other then face to face interaction.  Our communication is usually more of a dictatorship with me as the parent in command.  With my significant other, we collaborate and communicate a little differently.  Although our communication mostly stems from discussing issues that arise and problem solving, we do this through face to face interactions as well as through calls and text.  Usually our conversations are more private and therefore technology has a limited role in it.  I have also found, because media has the benefit of showing no emotional connection, messages can sometimes be conveyed differently and therefore my husband and I usually speak on the phone or in person.  In the workplace I communicate differently with my peers, then with my principal and lastly my students.  My conversations with my principal and department chairs are usually very formal and attached with an agenda.  There is usually a meeting time and place discussed beforehand as well.  With my peers, it is very informal and more collaborative.  We communicate through a variety of ways: email, phone and face to face interaction.  Lastly is my communication with my students.  More and more our school is pushing technology.  I have tried to use technology as a way to communicate with my students but still have some reserves.  I communicate with my students through remind101, website posts, face to face interaction, and email to name a few.  My purpose of communication is solely for teaching or mentoring the students.  The biggest spectrum of communication is my own form of beliefs, interests, and opinions.  Through social media, I can communicate any way I wish.  I can portray to be any personality I would like to which is why I believe so many people like to use social media as a way of communication.  But is anyone listening?  This brings me into a short video clip in the movie "He's Just Not that Into You".  In the movie it talks about the different forms of communication and therefore the more complicated the conversation.

Select a procedural video clip of presentation. Who is the clip seems most appropriate  for and why.  How would the communication be different?
    There are two video clips I would like to look at.  Both videos I have shown in my health class and at parents night.  The purpose of both videos are the same but the delivery is different.  Each video is meant to describe the rules and procedures of health education class. Below you will find the link to both videos.  (In the first video I changed the teachers name to Mrs. Smith)
     Although both videos are similar in message they are delivered differently. When addressing the students as my audience I kept the video short and to the point.  There was not so much detail about what the units were about but rather if they needed help to email the teacher.  My hope with the video was to address the students on more of a level they would understand.  Two high school students rushing to get to class was a great way to portray that.  In the parent video I talked more about the units we will discuss throughout the year.  I also went into more detail about grading and how they can contact me.  The characters were more "parent friendly" and not high school students.  My message was more professional when addressing the parents but more personal when addressing the teenagers.
     In conclusion I choose to write a blog post, a popplet, and to go animate cartoons.  I wanted to get away from the traditional paper and step out of my comfort zone. I believe it was a good way to portray all of my thoughts to the reader.  Now what I need to work on is solely doing the assignment with a digital tool.