Sunday, September 14, 2014

My Ideal Learning Hub-Fitness and Food...yum

As previously discussed in an earlier blog post, I tried to use google sites in starting my learning hub.  I would be lying if I said it was an easy task.  To me it was a little tough to navigate.  With much research and collaboration with other #itdml graduates I started to use wix.  Even still after starting my hub I am by no means an expert.  I wanted to have different tabs and online resources relating food and fitness.  My overall concept is to not only be a resource for my students, but others as well.  The idea of my learning hub is to be a place where those who have chosen to make a lifestyle change can go for advice, motivation and ideas. So far, it is a work in progress with many loose ends.  I am struggling with how to add videos and tabs with multiple content on each page.  When I first started the page it seemed easy.  All I needed to do was find a user friendly site I could design.  How difficult could it be? Or at least I thought.  After going on four days of developing content and structure my hub, it was harder than I thought.  Not only was I having trouble with the actual layout, I was also stuck on the design.  What pictures would be best to use?  How can I make it user friendly but also informational.  Should I include a section for people to reflect?  As you can see, there are many questions I still have not answered.  This is a work in progress...and I have a lot of work to go!

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