Sunday, October 26, 2014

Reflection of Module 3 and Storify

Image CC from Wikipedia
     Storify...although very fun, it was extremely frustrating.  I unfortunately tried to complete the storify assignment on an older Microsoft computer.  The computer was not compatible with the storify website.  Once I worked out the glitches, now I had to rethink my journey in the technology program.  In conclusion, it took me a little time to compile my thoughts but ultimately I thought storify was a fun and great idea to showcase our journey through the technology program. 
     When I first started this journey, I was terrified.  As described in storify, I felt as though I was in quicksand and sinking quickly.  What are all these terms?  How am I going to learn a new language while learning how to use the technology? Not only was I fearful but also embarrassed.  It seemed as though my students knew more about the technology out there then I did.  So...scared, hesitant and definitely reluctant I decided to take this journey head on.  I thought, one can never learn to swim if they never get into the water. 
     Thus far my journey has been both memorable and useful.  The reading comprehension Module made me think of different ways I can use technology in my classrooms.  But what is reading comprehension? Is it the same as reading a paperback book? Do our students need to be equipped with different types of reading comprehension skills when using technology compared to using a hard cover?  This module brought a whole new meaning to critical thinking.  Before module 3, reading was reading. The difference between text and hard copy was solely preference.  Module 3 made me think about the different skills and strategies one must understand when reading the two different types of text. 
     As a whole, all modules have provided me with extremely great questions and have opened by eyes to online learning.  Although the material may be similar the strategies and skills have to be adjusted.

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