Saturday, August 2, 2014

Challenges of Technology in the Classroom

When I look at www many times I oversee what it truly means…World Wide Web.  What does it mean to truly be worldwide?  Are we truly connected to people not only in our very own town, city, state, country, and continent but all across the world!  To think about an idea as big as worldwide I can only think one thing…possibilities.  Possibilities of education, knowledge and collaboration.  The World Wide Web poses as many different faces.  Some that scare us and some that enhance our lives.  So is the internet truly helpful or hurtful to the education of our students?  Many people look at videos such as Look Up and think technology isn’t embracing the “true” purpose of life, especially in the classroom.  ”Put your phone away” and “stop texting during class” are common phrases in classrooms.  For those who are skeptics and believe technology shouldn’t be in the classroom because “we never had it growing up and look how we turned out”.  I challenge you for one day to not use technology, too much? Then what about for 6 hours.  Will you feel lost?  Will you be upset you couldn’t get your 6 o’clock news?  Or hear from your granddaughter to tell you she loves you?  Sure there are many challenges with technology in the classroom.  But looking at what technology can do in the classroom as seen in “Bridging our Future”, is proof that given the proper training and tools, the only barriers we have is our own self.  Managing the web as our new text is a tough idea to understand for those who believe lectures are best.  What happens for the students who do not have technology at home simply because affording it is not a priority?  All these challenges face our school systems and our communities; however, they are all challenges that can be overcome.


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